Casa Verde cover Elogio de la madrastra cover Pez en el agua cover Lituma en los Andes cover Cuadernos de don Rigoberto cover Palomino Molero cover Cachorros cover Tacna cover
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1999. Mentored by Peter Olpe,
Schule für Gestaltung, Basel, Switzerland.

Experimenting with light, paper and content

Paper models (folded, cut or torn paper), lights, shadows and reflections through a glass screen: such were the materials employed in the photographic production of these images. Despite of the fact that some figurative elements were cut to represent specific objects, a lot of the paper models appear in several covers in modified positions or reflecting a different color. The process of constructing each illustration involved coming back and forth between the stage and the camera, shifting lamps, slightly moving models; plenty of visual elements were made just with light, and yet the camera would record them with the same accuracy as physical matter.

The excuse for this project to design a series of book covers for novels and essays by the famous Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. The covers ended up working as windows to the content of the book, attempting to emulate some of the writer's narrative ways (overlapping of time, characters dialogues and linguistic images).

This project was developed in Grad School, and has strongly influenced my teaching, specially in form and composition related courses.